Humanity is indeed facing challenging times. There is absolutely no denying the fact of this. It is all around us. Wars, terrorism, famine, disease, corruption, homelessness, the end of the central banking pyramid scheme currently manifesting itself as the global financial crisis, Climate change, the media tries to teach us is man-made, despite a wealth of scientific evidence to the contrary and there are many other things besides. Even in this film I have mentioned some of the challenges we are facing from the very governments and police forces we have employed to protect us, and who, through the use of a controlled media have slowly worked to convince the people that they are our rulers when they are in fact our servants.
Yet despite all the problems we face, any investigation reveals that all of these issues have a common cause and that this cause can very easily be addressed. All that is needed to do so is public awareness of the real situation humanity is facing. In fact, when one puts away the fear, stands back and looks deep enough, it can be seen that all these challenges actually present mankind with a most wonderful opportunity, perhaps the greatest we have ever had offered to us. Indeed such challenges as those that we currently face may even be seen as something of a blessing for were it not for the challenges the opportunity we now have would never have presented itself to us. And it truly is being handed to us on a silver platter.
What we are being provided with is an opportunity to embrace the power we all have; the choice to step away from the fear and to unite the human family. An opportunity for the human race to understand the connection we have to each other and to embrace a unity of consciousness. Certainly, it is extremely important that we free ourselves from the corporate shackles of this society; it is important that the social and political issues, the fake wars of contrivance, the loss of rights, and the attitude of our corrupt governments and police forces be dealt with, but what is even more important is that they be dealt with in the right way. That way is not through violence and revolution. It is not through a center of anger and hatred. The powers that be want violent revolution, they want the polarized energy such conflagrations produce but this must not be done for the most effective way to deal with it all is through a peaceful rebellion of non compliance to the system and through adherence to the one law. To connect to the heart and to do the right thing.
Δευτέρα 21 Ιουνίου 2010
The Evolution of Consciousness
Αναρτήθηκε από shamanaman 1 σχόλια
Τρίτη 15 Ιουνίου 2010
New June Crop Formations in England & Italy !!!
Αναρτήθηκε από shamanaman 0 σχόλια
Δευτέρα 14 Ιουνίου 2010
Παρασκευή 11 Ιουνίου 2010
2012 - The Future of Mankind by Michael Tsarion
Michael Tsarion gives a talk at the Granada Forum in Los Angeles, 2006.
Αναρτήθηκε από shamanaman 0 σχόλια
Setting History Free: Graham Hancock & David Wilcock
Bringing together two inspirational investigators of our hidden past and uncertain future, this unique dialogue between David Wilcock and Graham Hancock takes us on a roller-coaster ride through the wonders of ancient civilisations and into the mysterious nature of reality itself. What is the Ark of the Covenant? Why is its loss the greatest riddle of the Bible? Has its final resting place been found? What do the Great Pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Giza teach us? What was the function of the Osireion and other awesome megalithic sites of unknown origin found throughout Egypt? Were the high knowledge and magic of ancient Egypt brought to the Nile Valley by the survivors of an earlier civilisation around 12,500 years ago at the end of the last Ice Age, an epoch referred to in the Book of the Dead as Zep Tepi, "The First Time"? The possibility of a great lost civilisation Atlantis by any other name was the focus of Hancock's book Fingerprints of the Gods and the dialogue considers the evidence for this exciting idea -- including out-of-place artefacts and technologies, ancient maps of the world as it last looked more than 12,500 years ago, and the mysteries of the Mayan calendar. Is it a computer for calculating the end of the world? Or do its prophecies of a great change to come speak to us of a joyous rebirth of human consciousness after 21 December 2012? Join Hancock and Wilcock as they discuss Angkor in Cambodia, Baalbeck in the Lebanon, underwater ruins submerged by rising sea levels all around the world at the end of the last Ice Age, and the alleged monuments and a gigantic sculpture of a human face on the planet Mars. The dialogue concludes with a paradigm-busting investigation of parallel realms and universes, spirit beings, shamanism, visionary plants, and the role of altered states of consciousness in exploring and understanding the full mysterious spectrum of reality. See: and . See Graham's latest book at:
Αναρτήθηκε από shamanaman 0 σχόλια
Κυριακή 6 Ιουνίου 2010
First June Crop Circles !!
Liddington Castle, nr Swindon, Wiltshire. Reported 2nd June
Codford St Peter, nr Warminster, Wiltshire. Reported 3rd June
Reference :
Αναρτήθηκε από shamanaman 0 σχόλια
Τετάρτη 2 Ιουνίου 2010
New Crop Circle !!! 31st May - Silbury Hill, Nr Avebury. Wiltshire.
Diagrams Marie Asmar Copyright 2010
Image Jay Goldner Copyright 2010
More Info about the latest Crop Circles :
Αναρτήθηκε από shamanaman 0 σχόλια